Why does my ps4 download time keeps changing

Hope u can help me to reinstall fw and get back to life my PS4. Thanks for this addition. Never tried it to be honest, but may it help someone overcome this problem. Yes, PC gaming is much better when to comes to error resolving. I think, though, you need to individually reinstall all your games on the PS4.

This eventually might work for you. Will be interesting to see what Sony do with the ps5 to be honest but im expecting much more of the same really. Yes, indeed. Actually, the real power of PS4 stems from its huge online community which is, unarguably, the biggest game community on the internet.

Otherwise, I would prefer for sure to play games on PC. It still has the original storage. It seems to be happening only on Detroit: becoming human game at the moment. I am going to try some of the other update steps listed. It will anger my household if I need to redownload it. Just closing the application, removing the disk, than shutting the ps4 down waiting around 10 minutes worked for me.

Thanks for telling us about your experience that may help someone in this regard. Much appreciated. I have tried everything that you said like restarting, checking for updates and initializing the ps4 and nothing seemed to work. Ok, this is probably an issue related to the RAM memory. You need to take your console to a technician for a fix. Red dead 2 crashes every time I open my in game mail or start poker.

And yes it is on my external hard drive. And repeat. I fix it then a few minutes in the game same thing. Does it happen only in games installed on the external hard drive? What about those on the internal HDD? Any issue? This is the first time I face such an issue. You better contact PS4 support for help. So far, this only happens to me when playing Battlefield V. After reading your post, I unplugged my PS4 vs just restarting. This has happened 3 times in the last week or so, and seemingly at random.

Finger crossed. If it happens with only one game, the game is the problem, not your PS4. What you have to do is to initialize PS4, update it to latest version, and install that particular game only, update it, then finally test it. Uninstalled the game and reinstalled. Hopefully it works? My system was just purchased a week ago. So I tried full format on my hard drive and then re installing system software through USB.

I have no idea what to do at this point. Literally nothing that anyone has told me has worked. Its starting to look like they just gave me a messed up hard drive to begin with but if it was that, why would it have done it on my old ps4 and then the new one right when I got it? Really lost.

Need help desperately. Been 3 months with no signs of resolving the issue. Tell me first: Do you play your games on an external hard drive? And if so, what about games installed on the internal hard drive? Do you face the same problem with them? Or it just starts when PS4 starts up? Try also to run some applications, will you get the same error? Nothing else. And yeah it happened on my old ps4 and so I got rid of it and literally the same day I got a new one and it has the same exact problem from day 1.

Ok, now I can tell you exactly where the problem is. The hard drive is innocent. Here, you either say both consoles were defective very rare to happen , or that the monitor you connect your PS4 to is defective. Have you used the same monitor for both PS4? If yes, you need to try connecting the PS4 to another monitor and see what happens. I will try to use a new one and let you know how it goes.

Ok, I am anxious to know what will happen. If that resolves the problem, please come back and confirm it so that may others benefit from your experience.

So I finally tried to hooky ps4 up to a new TV and the same thing happened. Froze my game up. And the TV is fairly new. Ok, just let me verify your situation. Now, have you connect your older PS4 to that new TV? Does the same happen also? And does this happen right after you turn PS4 or just after a while?

Try to change the HDMI cable for example, probably this is the reason. A couple of games have crashed on me. It is not at all frequently however. It does not happen with every single game, but I have received this error code before. Should I be concerned about my internal hard drive at all? Yes, if the problem is as you described, then yes, most probably it is the PS4 hard drive. Please on PS4 hard drive failure and how to work around it.

Hi, I m having this issue only on Fallout 76, and always when I try to log in after the game stared. I ve tried other online games and they work just fine.. That game is either corrupted or not fully compatible with the installed version of PS4 system software. What you can do in this regard is to first rebuild PS4 database. If the problem persists, re-install that game. If nothing works, you have to initialize PS4, as there will apparently be a conflict occurring between the game files and PS4 system.

I fully initialized my ps4 pro. Took me a few hours, so now I only installed this game and it stayed the same. Already sent an email to Sony, they said they will respond in 24h.

Just wanted to see if u can give me some input, or some options. I had like 10 games installed, never happened. Have you updated to the latest version of PS4 system software before installing that game?

There apparently a file conflict occurring between the game and the version of PS4 system software you have. On the other hand, maybe the game conflicts with the newest system software. So, you have to try two things: install the game on PS4 before updating the system software.

All updates are automatically updated, I have the latest system update 6. The game has the latest update too. And why I dont have this issue with other games. Keep the money in your wallet. One of the reasons for such a case is that the game was not installed properly. Konami sent me an inquiry right now but already alerted me that it may take a while or not even respond. Your case is very weird, and I never faced something like it before.

If it is possible to install the game on another PS4 to see if it works or not, this will make you SURE where the problem is. Anyway, if you ever solve this problem, can you please come back here and tell us about it?

This will help others who seek a fix for a similar issue. You case is a bit different. Your PS4 hard drive is apparently defective. Please refer to this article for more info. Will that be any different? I know I then need to install the software from an USB pen, but will that be helpful in any way?

If you have tried all methods, including soft initialization, yet nothing worked out, you have to try this one. But before full initializing PS4, you better full format the hard drive on a PC, just in case there are bad sectors or other performance issues with the hard drive.

Set it aside. Button through the menu, and follow the on-screen prompts. If everything goes as planned, the PS4 should boot to the main menu once the initialization is finished. Now you can log into your PSN account again. Once the PS4 operating system installation is complete, the console will reboot. Follow the prompts until you are back at your home screen. Select Restore PS4 and choose the image you named previously. Depending on the drive and size of the backup, this process could take a very long time to complete.

Once everything is finished, everything will be back where it belongs. Upgrading the internal hard drive of PS4 to a new modern drive is mandatory to every serious gamer that looks forward.

It means your gaming experience will surely go better than before. The Ps4 internal hard drive comes in either gb or 1tb storage size, depending on the PS4 edition you have. You have first to remove it from the PS4, connect it to a PC and run the format utility on it. It is a very easy operation. All what you have to do is to uncover the hard drive cage, unscrew the internal HDD, and pull it out.

After removing it, you need to have a new hard drive replacement. Just insert the new HDD and fix it inside the cage with the screws. Eventually, follow the upgrade steps in this guide. Never handled such a problem before, but according to my experience your hard drive is malfunctioning and gives serious errors that force PS4 to do that.

You can do one last step before replacing the internal hard drive of PS4. Now give it a last chance and see if this has fixed the problem or not. I have the same issue. Works fine for a few days-week, then the blue light flashes and instructs me to download the newest software.

Taking it into a local store for their expertise. Might have to purchase a new HD. As for how to go through the replacement process, please visit our PS4 hard drive upgrade guide. Any ideas how to format the seagate firecuda to Fat32 on a windows10 PC?

Just insert it inside PS4, and PS4 system will format it automatically with the relevant file system. I really liked this article. Thanks Yes I am in the middle of all the confusion too. Yes I am also trying to increase the space of my PS4 but I am confused whether I should put internal or external hard drive.

I have a PS VR and I really download a lot of digital free games coming up as you can see in you have lot of free games warface etc. If this is your case, I strongly advise you to upgrade your internal hard drive with Western Digital 4tb Performance Black with the help of the so-called Data Bank. But believe me, for your case it is the best option for the price. In many cases that caused serious defects to the external hard drive or to the USB port itself. If you find it expensive, then go for the internal hard drive upgrade solution.

You better opt for desktop external hard drive. It depends on how you identify yourself. Or just a casual or regular user? If you consider yourself in the first class, then you MUST upgrade the internal hard drive. I told you why. VR poses a heavy burden on the hard drive and keeps it running all the time.

If the hard drive is external, this will make it more vulnerable to electrical shorts and might shorten its lifespan. I am confused internal 2tb or external 4 or 5tb. As both prices are same. For the sake of performance you cannot dispense with upgrading the internal hard drive of PS4. I doubt the stock hard drive of PS4 can last for too long under this situation. Firecuda SSHD is the most relevant for the overwhelming majority of users.

Maybe you need to think about an SSD, but that is too expensive and we only recommend it for exceptional uses. Thanks a lot. Ok I have seen these also. But 1 silly q. If i put databank with 3. I will still check the video on YouTube. Hey, my PS4 is basic one, 2 years old, and out of warranty.

Can you please tell me whether this will work in my PS4? Yes, surely it will work flawlessly. Now, my situation is: I have an original PS4 not exactly from launch but about six months after , and only recently with games like Destiny 2 have I started to notice performance issues.

But I think I read here that even with external storage, it is subject to the speed of the internal HDD. And performance has not improved.

Thanks for your time and insight! I noticed a lot of negative reviews Amazon on your acclaimed Seagate Firecuda 2tb SSHD due to a high failure rate after a couple of months.

Any experience or issues with this? Say what you will about the stock HDD, but the thing is a tank in reliability…. If reliability is what concerns you the most, I advise you to go for an SSD. But it also has its own bad reviews from customers!

It means those who have got their drive failed, they came back and provided bad reviews. And remember one important thing here. The motivation for writing a good review is weaker than that of writing a bad review. Just imagine it yourself. What impels you to writing a good review if you are happy with your purchase?

What I am trying to tell you is that to avoid being driven by the rating thing. Seagate Firecuda is the most suitable drive for the wide variety of users who want a good compromise between capacity, speed and price. Thank you so much for your quick and detailed response.

I am one of those people, haha. In regards to just biting the bullet and going with an expensive SSD: I was originally drawn to your site because I was researching about upgrading my ps4 to an SSD. Why recommend the Samsung EVO? Hi again Scott. I just thought you were one of these guys. That way if it happens that your drive fails, you are on the safe side with your backup copy. A backup solution is mandatory when dealing with digital data, as failure may happen at any time without any warning.

So you must be ready for that always. My ps4 keeps going into a safe mode loop the only option that works is the initialize ps4 and then maybe a day later it will do it again then I have to do it again it sucks so I just wanted to know could this be a hard drive issue??

So PS4 system behaves weird. WD Black 1TB 2. Seagate Firecuda works best when it caches the game inside its SSD memory, which happens after you run that particular game 5 times. But before the game goes to the SSD cache, Firecuda works like any ordinary hard drive. As for Seagate Firecuda Pro, it is for desktop computers and it cannot be used with PS4 unless you do some tweaks to the body of your game console. If you play online a lot, or play many VR games, WD black is what I advise you to go for, as Firecuda will let you down here.

Just a last note. Now the price is quite cheap for 1tb SSD. I have an original ps4. I run r6 mainly and now division 2. Always in party chat and network play. I almost bought the sshd but came back one last time and read your recent posts about ssd is better for online and the sshd is better for offline.

My stuff is original parts so im seeing a lag and im obviously out of storage haha so its time… but if im going to spend the money i would rather get the right equipment. So if i understand you right you think the ssd even though it only runs sata II would be better for online gaming vs sshd for offiline? Moreover, mechanical hard drives in general can halt occasionally for moments when processing data, according to the nature of mechanicality. So, for a smoother and seamless overall experience on PS4, you better get an SSD if you can afford the price.

I have logged into my EA account on my switch, played a couple of games and tried to log into my account on the companion app.

I have a different one. Manually connect to EA Online. Log in using your sign-in details for that account.

Sign In Via Battle. No need to wander anywhere. EA is mostly known from gaming titles such as Fifa and Madden, but also developes games like Battlefield and The Sims.

Whether you are logging into an existing PSN account on a new PS4 console, or creating a new account for someone, it's easy to add accounts to your PS4. What if I want to cancel EA Play before my membership ends? Get the app. I cannot login to my ea account while playing fifa21 on my ps4. Auto login is disabled and both of us have the PS4 set as our primary PS4. After you do that, your brother can use his own account to download and play all the games you bought from your account.

Click on any game and just follow along till it says login But when I try to connect it says "This account can't get online. If you can log in on other games fine, try downloading the FIFA 20 demo. If you have an existing PSN account and are adding it to a new I recently purchased Madden 17 my first EA game in years and when I started the game it told me to log into an Origin account that isn't mine!

The game prompts me to enter the six-digit code that it sent to the wrong Origin account owner. Sign In Via Steam. Not sure what to suggest if you can't access the number. Assignment due at 8am. We connected his PS4 account no problem and we could crossplay Apex Legends Code is affecting players. Empty login screen. Restart the game. The procedure for either way is exactly the same. Let the console stay unplugged for at least a couple of minutes. Step 4 - A new window pops up that allows you to login with your PSN account.

Then it pop up i need a Go to EA origin and try to login with your email, you can use forgot password if needed. EA will then email you a link to reset your password. I hope Google takes note of it.

Is the hacker an idiot? Try again in 30 minutes or reset your password. Every time. The last user who turns this option on in their profile will have their account automatically load when the system is switched on. PS4 or Xbox One. Account activation. Here's a way around it. Account Options. I get this message saying my account doesn't have access but I never got a prompt to login.

Try something new. Sign In Via Playstation. Fortunately, the fix is quite simple. Reset Password: Go to help. Last Updated: 11th April, Go to the About Me tab. One Google Account for everything Google. Bought new PS4 and Fifa 17 can't log in to EA server saying that "Cant access to Fifa 17 online features please open an online account etc".

Click Restore Default Settings. I'm not even sure what info to give you as to help with this. Select your headset. About Mic Sounds Muffled Ps4 The new high-end open acoustic gaming headset by the leader in audio delivers incredibly immersive 7.

Low Battery. Gupgi V3 3. Free shipping for many products! Stereo Headset Audio Extension is a system setting that controls the type of audio output to the wireless headset. Lossless 2. With an extended soundstage, lush, rich sound, and excellent build quality, the Monolith M brings a massive price to Ideally, the mic should be 6 to 12 inches away from your mouth.

They have a cheap design that isn't very comfortable, and a dark, muffled sound profile that isn't very versatile, especially since it can vary a lot between individuals. Filter , opens dialog. Price: 9. Soundcore Headphones, Speakers Hear it, Feel it. Dual Microphones. Same with ga; Ps4 platinum headset best settings for warzone The echo is caused by the repetition of a sound. Audio still works perfectly fine. On the Green PC board itself there will be a letter followed by 4 numbers.

I've been missing out on 3D Audio completely because all 5 presets sound muffled to my ears using the Pulse headset too. The Game Zero is the closed back version for around the same price. Figured I'd share my 20, trophy milestone and th Platinum. So it really is a YMMV thing based on your unique ear profile and your headset. I hope somebody will find this helpful. If your microphone output is too quiet or has poor sound quality, try the following: From the desktop, right-click your taskbar's Speaker icon and choose Sounds; Click the Recording Tab and right-click on the Corsair Device and choose Properties; Click the Advanced Tab and select the drop down list to choose DVD Quality Gold headset chat issues.

I was using the PS4 pro headset, which sound amazing and super comfy, but lack a good mic. Ps4 platinum headset mic sounds muffled. Big difference, I'd rather use the shitty Gold headset with wireless. If charged more than 30 minutes and there is still no light flashing.

Sonos is the wireless home sound system that fills as many rooms as you want with great-sounding music, movies, and TV. See if that helps and update the post. I think it's on by default. With these headsets I can hear everything and I mean everything. Search: Ps4 Mic Sounds Muffled. The quality was actually worse than that of the mic attached to my headset and I couldn't figure out what I was missing.

And that is for good headphones not gaming headsets. The microphone is the key feature that separates a gaming headset from a pair of headphones, so why are the majority of them such a disappointment?

For years gaming headsets have under delivered on performance, constantly lowering gamers' expectations as they settle for mediocre communication clarity and volume.


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