Style savvy trendsetters free downloads
My criteria for paying retail for a digital game, is I have to know deep down in my soul I will never want to trade it, and that I will come back to it again and again. PS: nice job getting her the Midnight Purple! Glad I waited on the 3DS a bit! I hope Nintendo works with third parties to get their games available for download on the eShop.
Seriously, though, there are a TON of different options and outfits. Saw some of the earlier trailers and newer ones as well. Ikr xD to much shoes. How is it??? Trying to way up which games to trade in so I can afford it. So difficult. Well if you played any other Layton games, you know what to expect but the story is interesting, i actually tried to fly past puzzles the find out what happens next xD but theres alot of puzzles, some a ball busters.
Then theres a few bonus minigame puzzles ect, collectables and unlockables. Plus theres the 1 free puzzle everyday on SpotPass so its definitely a good deal. Think i clocked in 8 hours when i finished the story and i only did half the puzzles, nothing else, so worth it in my opinion,. Yeh I played a couple of laytons back on the DS and am looking forward to this installment! When I played The Demo at play expo , I though the 3d was quite nice especially on the cutscenes.
Now that i saw all the joke comments i want to do a productive 1,the sise of the game can be take has a tip to other developers that may think the 3ds mat have a sise limit to eshop games now that they know i hope a more masculine game came to the shop :p. Skip to content Search for: Search Close. Close Menu. Share this! Like this: Like Loading Related News. Oh, My, G. Not commenting on this game : Loading You just did, silly! The physical copy…not downloadable. Why does it take so much space?
All that blast processing Loading Sign up for free! Ask A Question. What do you need help on? Cancel X. In the Style Savvy: Trendsetters game, you take on the role of a budding fashion mogul, working your way to the top of the fashion world! Manage your own boutique and help customers find the perfect outfit by keeping up with fashion trends, stocking new clothes for your store, and customizing your shop to reflect your personality.
Choose from over 12, clothing items and accessories spanning 19 different brands to put together dream-come-true ensembles for hundreds of customers. User Ratings. Your Score. More statistics and details. Fun Question: Who do you have a crush on? Side Quest Did anyone else die? General Is it even possible to win the 1st Contest?