Android not asking permission to download contacts

Viewed 4k times. Hawkeye Roe Hawkeye Roe 43 1 1 silver badge 5 5 bronze badges. I really can't believe I was this blind. Thank you. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Komal12 Komal12 3, 4 4 gold badges 13 13 silver badges 25 25 bronze badges.

First add these permissions or one you need in your manifest. Khemraj Sharma Khemraj Sharma Apurv Mahesh Apurv Mahesh 4 4 bronze badges. Hope this helpful.. Rajesh Peram Rajesh Peram 7 7 silver badges 10 10 bronze badges. Hi Rajesh. I've already specified the required permissions in the manifest for OS versions 23 and below, but I'm testing on APIs 24 and 25 for runtime permissions, and they weren't coming up.

As it turns out, I just had my boolean statement wrong. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook.

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Podcast Who is building clouds for the independent developer? Exploding turkeys and how not to thaw your frozen bird: Top turkey questions Featured on Meta. Now live: A fully responsive profile. Don't block the user interface. In other words, don't display a full-screen warning message that prevents users from continuing to use your app at all. At the same time, your app should respect the user's decision to deny a permission. Starting in Android 11 API level 30 , if the user taps Deny for a specific permission more than once during your app's lifetime of installation on a device, the user doesn't see the system permissions dialog if your app requests that permission again.

The user's action implies "don't ask again. In certain situations, the permission might be denied automatically, without the user taking any action. Similarly, a permission might be granted automatically as well. It's important to not assume anything about automatic behavior. Each time your app needs to access functionality that requires a permission, you should check that your app is still granted that permission. To provide the best user experience when asking for app permissions, also see App permissions best practices.

Starting in Android 11 API level 30 , whenever your app requests a permission related to location, microphone, or camera, the user-facing permissions dialog contains an option called Only this time , as shown in Figure 2. If the user selects this option in the dialog, your app is granted a temporary one-time permission. Your app can then access the related data for a period of time that depends on your app's behavior and the user's actions:. When the user next opens your app and a feature in your app requests access to location, microphone, or camera, the user is prompted for the permission again.

If your app targets Android 11 API level 30 or higher and isn't used for a few months, the system protects user data by automatically resetting the sensitive runtime permissions that the user had granted your app. Learn more in the guide about app hibernation. Some apps depend on access to sensitive user information related to call logs and SMS messages. If you want to request the permissions specific to call logs and SMS messages and publish your app to the Play Store, you must prompt the user to set your app as the default handler for a core system function before requesting these runtime permissions.

For more information on default handlers, including guidance on showing a default handler prompt to users, see the guide on permissions used only in default handlers.

To grant all runtime permissions automatically when you install an app on an emulator or test device, use the -g option for the adb shell install command, as demonstrated in the following code snippet:. Content and code samples on this page are subject to the licenses described in the Content License.

App Basics. Build your first app. App resources. Resource types. App manifest file. Device compatibility.

Multiple APK support. Tablets, large screens, and foldables. Build responsive UIs. Build for foldables. Getting started. Handling data. User input. Watch Face Studio. Health services. Creating watch faces. Android TV. Build TV Apps. Build TV playback apps. Help users find content on TV.

Recommend TV content. Watch Next. Build TV games. Build TV input services. TV Accessibility. Android for Cars. Build media apps for cars. Build navigation, parking, and charging apps for cars. Android Things. Supported hardware. Advanced setup. Build apps. Create a Things app. Communicate with wireless devices. Configure devices. Interact with peripherals. Build user-space drivers. Manage devices.

Create a build. Push an update. Chrome OS devices. App architecture. Architecture Components. UI layer libraries. View binding. Data binding library. Lifecycle-aware components.

Paging Library. Paging 2. Data layer libraries. How-To Guides. Advanced Concepts. Threading in WorkManager. App entry points. App shortcuts. App navigation.

Navigation component. App links. Dependency injection. Core topics. App compatibility. Interact with other apps. Package visibility. Intents and intent filters. User interface. Add motion to your layout with MotionLayout. MotionLayout XML reference. Improving layout performance.

Custom view components. Look and feel. Splash screens. Add the app bar. Control the system UI visibility. Supporting swipe-to-refresh. Pop-up messages overview. Adding search functionality. Creating backward-compatible UIs. Home channels for mobile apps.

App widgets. Media app architecture. Building an audio app. Building a video app. The Google Assistant. Routing between devices.

Background tasks. Manage device awake state. Save to shared storage. Save data in a local database. Sharing simple data. Sharing files. Sharing files with NFC. Printing files. Content providers. Autofill framework. Contacts provider. Data backup. Remember and authenticate users. User location. Using touch gestures. Handling keyboard input.

Supporting game controllers. Input method editors.


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